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Paramount Properties 2017

La calidad en la ejecución de los proyectos es, sin duda, nuestro valor diferenciador.

Nuestros Proyectos - Constructora Paramount #1 🟢 🥇
Constructora Paramount | Oficina en Puerto Plata y Sosúa #1 | Nuestros Proyectos - Constructora Paramount #1 🟢 🥇 Contactos
Constructora Paramount Paramount Properties Frente 4
Constructora Paramount Paramount Properties Frente 2
Constructora Paramount Paramount Properties Frente 1
Constructora Paramount Paramount Properties Frente 0
Paramount Properties | Remodeling 2017

Paramount Group

Paramount Properties made great changes in the remodeling of this property, creating ample parking, an attractive front design and distribution of areas.

The minimalist style is based on introducing as few elements as possible to decorate a room. It is suitable for people who like tranquility and simplicity.

The key in this style is to preserve the space rather than fill it, as is done in traditional decoration. Isolated details characterize this style. Spaciousness is a characteristic of this style, as well as straight lines.

Minimalist furniture: In minimalism, furniture is chosen based on its usefulness, not only for decoration, and its comfort is also taken into account. Smooth finishes are predominant. The accessories do not have to be numerous, a vase with flowers or some fruit in a fruit bowl is enough.

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